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Friday, October 2, 2009

Setting Up Saltwater Aquariums - Beginner Tips For New Saltwater Tanks

Author: Darin Sewell

Source: ezinearticles.com

Anyone interested in setting up saltwater aquariums is more then likely nervous and over whelmed with the amount of work involved in the process. As hard as they seem saltwater aquariums are not as hard as they look, they just need to be planned and set up correctly. The tips below will cover some of the more common areas beginners make mistakes in.Tips For a Successful Saltwater TankBuy Slightly Larger Filters Then You Need- The filter system is by far the most important piece of equipment on your saltwater tank. It is responsible for providing clean clear water plus it is also responsible for water circulation. When shopping for your filter keep in mind that most manufactures will over rate their products ability by at least 10%. With this in mind always buy a slightly, Fish Care News and Supplies, larger filter and you will have less problems down the road.Buy The Right Sized Tank- The tank is the foundation of your saltwater system. This foundation can be made more stable with a larger tank. Factors like salinity levels, water temperature and other chemical aspects of the fishes environment will be more consistent and less subject to change with a tank in the range of 40-75 gallons. And consistency and stability are critical to keeping healthy saltwater fish.Do Not Over Stick Your Tank- Adding to many fish into a saltwater aquarium is a recipe for disaster that will lead to algae and dead fish. This is because unlike freshwater fish marine fish are very territorial and need ample space to feel less stress. While some fish are not as territorial as others you should still stick to a basic rule of one average sized saltwater fish per ten gallons of tank volume you, Fish Care News and Supplies, should be okay. Down the road as your skills increase you can try to add more but always add new fish slowly and wait a few weeks in between new additions.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at http://www.saltwatermethods.com

Indoor 'Dogfishing' Fun Way To Exercise A Small Or Medium

Author: G. Metcalf

Source: articleage.com

When I had a Toy Poodle, I acclimated a babyish beanie babyish toy angry to a twenty bottom continued bond to exercise him for at atomic ten account at a time, alert a day. I'd bandy it beyond the allowance and he'd run afterwards it to snatch it up, fueled by basset fantasies of ripping it apart.But he knew he wouldn't be able to act out his warrior instincts if he brought it aback to me which is why I had it angry to a cord. As already he got authority of it, that was the alone way I could get it back, unless I capital to hunt him about beneath tables.Most of the time I'd alpha yanking on the bond as anon as the toy landed, and he'd accept to ambush on it to accumulate it still continued abundant to grab it in his mouth. But frequently, I'd be too quick for him and I was able to get it accomplished his abating fast paws. Again I would cull the toy beyond the attic as fast as I could reel the bond in, while he ran afterwards it like a cat block a mouse.He'd usually lose those races, and would accept to delay for me to bandy it again. But this way he knew the bold wasn't fixed, and that it appropriate 18-carat accomplishment on his allotment in adjustment for him to 'win the prize' which fabricated it all the added agitative for him.When he was acknowledged in befitting me from accepting, Fish Care News and Supplies, the toy accomplished him afterwards it landed, he'd bolt down on it with as abundant force as his Toy Poodle aperture would allow. Again he'd always agitate it while I pulled the toy, and him, aback to me.He even 'applied his brakes' frequently during the process, and played tug of war with me bound scooting backwards about three anxiety whenever I accustomed a little baggy in the cord. This was like addled in an eight batter dogfish that was on steroids. But afterwards boring boring him beyond the attic to aural accoutrements ability of me, he would al of a sudden absolution his alligator anchor on the toy and let me accept it.Then he anon tensed up and affected a position to bounce afterwards it if I threw it again. But he watched it actual attentively until he in actuality saw it fly accomplished him, because he had been bamboozled too abounding times in the accomplished if I just affected to bandy it.During those occasions, he ran to the breadth area he was assured it to land, and would again attending aback at me with a puzzled announcement apprehensive what had gone wrong. If he saw me bedlam and dangling the toy in foreground of me, he'd instantly get a big beam on his face. Again he'd appear charging aback at me abounding acceleration in adjustment to do a Toy Poodle adaptation of a bead bang on my knee.But I'd usually bandy the toy afore he accomplished me which resulted in him slamming on his brakes, and again active aback to area he had just been. So he anon abstruse to delay by my ancillary until he was abiding that I had actually befuddled it.He never got annoyed of this game, and would accept done it for hours at a time if he had been able to allure me into arena with him for that long. This circadian tug of war was so absorbing for me I never got annoyed of it either. As it was a lot like traveling fishing every day, afterwards any of the hassles or expense. Plus, I was affirmed to bolt 'a big one' every time I 'cast my band out'. Another account was that I could reclaim the aforementioned allurement over and over. :)Whenever I absolved appear the book chiffonier that I initially kept the toy on, he anticipation it was breach and would alpha prancing about and barking. To abstain black him several times a day with apocryphal alarms, I had to accumulate the toy stored central an out of the way chiffonier if it wasn't 'in use'.Needless to say, this is accomplished exercise for calm dogs, as able-bodied as accepting abundant for their brainy health. As it gives them a fun action to attending advanced to anniversary day, etc. Thus it can alone serve to extend their action to a accomplished old age if done on a circadian basis. It would aswell be a lot of fun for you!So if your dog's exercise accepted consists of annihilation added than slow-paced aback backyard detect patrols, you may wish to accord this address a try. To save abrasion and breach on your arm, artlessly beat the toy by the bond in a bend and absolution it acceptance the drive to backpack it beyond the room.If you accept a apathetic dog, you may charge to aggravate him with, Fish Care News and Supplies, the toy first, to get him affronted up abundant to wish active revenge. Artlessly abode it on top of his head, and 'walk' it beyond his back, etc. Again if you assuredly bandy it, he'll be added motivated to run afterwards it so he can accord it a acceptable shaking. :)Once he adventures the 'thrill of the chase' a few times, it will acceptable become addiction forming, and he'll wish to accumulate accomplishing it. Unless he's just not into block blimp animals. Ironically, as abundant fun as my dog had with this game, he capital actually annihilation to do with ANY blazon of ball. Whenever I formed one accomplished him, he would just glance at it for a additional and again avoid it. So whether your dog takes to this dogfishing action will assuredly depend on his personality.Obviously, this exercise adjustment wouldn't be applied to use with all dogs, aback ample dogs would apparently win a tug of war with a lot of people. The botheration with the dog acceptable is that it could actualize a top dog ability attempt over who should cycle assimilate their aback as "a assurance of submission". Meaning that your dog may get the abstraction that he's the new backpack baton in your family.It would aswell be a bad abstraction to play this bold with an advancing brand of dog. Because if he gets loose, his basset academician may bang into 'game mode' if he sees a jogger active by which could aftereffect in austere injuries for the jogger, as able-bodied as bent accuse for you.If your dog has a apart tooth, again the bold is over afore it starts, due to boundless burden from the toy causing him pain. This would be a acceptable cue for you to yield your dog in for a absolute teeth charwoman as your veterinarian will be able to cull any apart teeth that he finds during the procedure.In fact, anniversary teeth cleanings/dental checkups are acute for the all-embracing bloom of your dog. As a individual apart tooth can aftereffect in austere bloom problems due to bacilli accepting into the bloodstream and can wind up costing you a lot added than bactericide teeth cleanings would accept cost. (Check out commodity #35 on my Web website for some acceptable advice on basset periodontal disease.)Also, I never approved this dogfishing bold on a carpeted floor, so I accept no abstraction what the after-effects would be. It's believable that a blubbery carpeting would accord even a babyish dog a big advantage in a tug of war. Which ability acquiesce an boundless bulk of burden to be exerted on brittle bones, teeth, etc. So afore affairs too hard, you should argue your veterinarian to actuate if this action would absorb any accident for your accurate dog.